Victoria’s Secret: Architecting a Brand

Final Project
Project Overview
The first step of the project was to choose a brand with a clear problem to
solve, and my group chose Victoria’s Secret. Then, we created a presentation detailing the brand’s problem, target audience, and an updated brand purpose. After that, we developed the creative platform and the supporting brand activation, resulting in an integrated experience design to launch the idea.

Team: Talia Brown, Jiaying He (Holly), Morgan Mathews, Shipra, Heti Sutaria, and Xinran Xiao
My Contributions
I came up with the creative platform “Sincerely, Victoria” as a solution to Victoria’s Secret’s body-exclusionary and intimidating brand image. I was also responsible for reimagining the fashion show with the “Walk Your Way” initiative, allowing models to choose every aspect of their looks and creating an opportunity for social media tie-in. To extend the experience beyond a single show, I pitched pop-ups and online resources as a way to help educate women on their unique body types and the plethora of bra options available to them. Finally, I suggested a complete rebrand to just “Victoria’s” to make all the brand’s channels feel more human and approachable.